Aileen Santiago, Design and Architecture Senior High Student

How did you first become interested in Industrial Design?
As a freshman at DASH, we are given the decision to choose what strand we would like to go into for our sophomore year. Industrial Design is one of the five strands available and I had always been inspired by their beautiful work. Industrial Design is a harmonious balance of problem-solving and art. It allows me to stretch my creativity while helping the world by tackling its simplest and most complicated issues, making life just a little easier one design at a time. Every line holds a great purpose and it makes my work feel important. I was always enchanted by the way the other students in that strand progressed and conceptualized their ideas. I wanted to be just like them and finally decided that Industrial Design was the right place for me.

Which designers or brands inspire you?
One brand that has always inspired me has actually been the fashion house Iris Van Herpen. Not only do her beautiful designs reign a unique and iconic image but the brand’s ethos stands strong and true. I’ve always been drawn to her play on the four pillars: nature, architecture, art, and design. Ultimately, I feel like any of my designs also involve a bit of all. This foundation provides an elegant stance that embraces an individualistic essence. She has always been notable for taking risks and thinking about the unimaginable. I aspire to push my limits this way too. Additionally, when you see any of Iris Van Herpen’s designs, you recognize immediately that it is hers and that is an important characteristic I also want to be represented in my art and design.

What kind of career would you like to pursue?
I would love to pursue a career in machine learning integration within automobiles. The car industry each year reaches farther and farther past its limits and I suppose that the next step in innovation would be artificial intelligence integration within vehicles. I strongly believe that AI holds limitless potential in improving our lives and its incorporation within the transportation industry would mean a solution to the driver shortage, overall improving public transportation, and allowing for more accessibility for disabled drivers. All in all, machine learning would transform the lives of citizens within communities with AI vehicles. That type of scenario is projected to be far in the future, however, I believe the research for this type of modulation should start now.

When you’re not designing, what do you do for fun?
When I am not designing, I love to focus on social media content creation for fun. I can never stop talking; sharing, collaborating, and immersing myself in topics I am passionate about brings me great pleasure. In the past few years, I’ve developed a deep interest in technology. Aside from school and art, my extra time is focused on building up my computer setup and working with tech brands such as Asus, Fifine, XVX, and many others on sponsored deals for product reviews and PR campaigns. Industrial design plays a prominent role in technology, emphasizing style, comfort, and efficiency. I find myself constantly inspired to create whether it be physically with a pen and paper or through the lens of my camera.

What do you think you’ll be doing for a career in five years?
If I continue to lead the track I am on now, I can see myself being a software engineer in the automotive field in five years. I want to be on the front lines of innovation that benefits not just my local community but the entire country.

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Design Without Limits! Ended

  • Aileen Santiago
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  • Aquiles Sartoretto
    5% 2.2k / 38.9k
  • Byron Mayorga
    19% 7.4k / 38.9k
  • Federica Atabaki
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  • Ivanna Cardena
    1% 570 / 38.9k
  • Julia Nikolaev
    18% 7.1k / 38.9k
  • Ekaterina Li
    2% 990 / 38.9k
  • Lucas Pozzobon
    1% 541 / 38.9k
  • Luis Figueira
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  • Matias Ortiz
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  • Darikson Valenzuela
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